
Showing posts from December, 2018


During my 5th term on BSD program in Seneca College I had a chance to take a professional elective course and after talking to my friend who works in Google about the list of electives Seneca proposes he advised me to take an open source course because open source knowledge is critically important in the industry. During DPS909 I gained lots of knowledge and experience in GitHub and how the git works. I am 100% sure that communicating with the open source community will help me in my future workplaces, because any of us must have such soft skills. Moreover, in the second part of the course, I become a repository maintainer for one of the internal projects - Seneca Blackboard Extension, and this maintainer experience gave me a chance to feel myself not only as a contributor, but as a maintainer as well. Speaking about what I personally liked about DPS909 it is important to mention that we had a freedom, we could choose any project we want to work on and there were almost no limits

Release 0.4 - PR3

As I mentioned in previous blog post, for the very last PR for DPS909 course I will stay in JavaScript algorithms repository ( After researching the repository I found out that GCD algorithm that is already in the repo does not filter the cases when user enters real numbers instead of integers.  So, I have improved a GCD algorithm. Now GCD algorithm filters the cases when user enters real numbers instead of integers. Tests are improved also. Codes are below:

Release 0.3 - PR3

Release 0.4 - PR2

For the second and third pull requests for the last release I decided to create couple of the algorithms and tests for open source project on GitHub. In October I found the repo where owner asked to implement standard algorithms using JavaScript and write tests for them. For this PR I took Leonardo numbers function, commented about this in the issues and started to work.  This function takes n as an input, and then returns all Leonardo numbers up to n. Code of this function you can see below. Test for this function: I tested my function and created the pull request.

Release 0.4 - PR1

For the last PR for the internal project for this course I have chosen to work a little bit more on the repo that I maintained for the last month - Seneca Blackboard Extension. As a maintainer of one of the internal projects of release 0.4 I did the following Cleaning the issues & communicating with contributors about issues Reviewing & accepting & closing the pull requests, communicating with contributors about PRs Some settings & Repository cleaning As a contributor, for the first PR of release 0.4 I did the following Connecting Travis CI to the repo Editing Readme file