Hacktoberfest Final Blog Post

Hacktoberfest 2018

During this October in my Seneca course I had a chance to participate in a big Open Source event called Hacktoberfest. My task was to do 5 pull requests to open source repositories on GitHub.

For the first PR I chose to add a hello world program in Pascal language
For the second PR I chose to fix css and html in survey form project
For the 3rd, 4th, 5th PRs I chose to add different math and string algorithms and tests to one of the standard algorithms repo in JavaScript

https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/issues/10 (Find Divisors)
https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/issues/8 (Longest common substring)
https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/issues/10 (Inverse of first 'n' numbers)

Pull Requests:
https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/pull/59 (Find Divisors)
https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/pull/60 (Longest common substring)
https://github.com/manrajgrover/algorithms-js/pull/61 (Inverse of first 'n' numbers)

During this month I gained experience how to work with GitHub and pull requests, finding interesting open source projects and communicating with open source community.

For my future in open source it will be better to go deep in one project rather than fixing different issues in several projects.

In Hacktoberfest I liked that everybody can choose any language and project s/he wants, but some owners manage their projects poorly that is why it was challenging to work in some projects.


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