release 0.1

Release 0.1 - Blog Post #opensource

The begging - LAB 2

At the beginning of the lab 2 (which is the part of this assignment) I started to work on the bug called
"Add test for mkdir with restricted symbols. I noticed that there isn't a test for the case that you call mkdir with a path that includes a restricted symbol. It should fail to create the illegal path name."
But when I started to work on release I had a conversation with my professor - David and we found out that this is not even a bug, and it shouldn't be fixed, because node actually let's you to create invalid path and we need to do it as well. The function that was written for that "bug" is below:

it('Should not create dir with restricted symbols (using promises)', () => {
var fsPromises = util.fs().promises;
return fsPromises.mkdir('/?').catch(error => {

So finally we decided that I will work on different thing.

Release 0.1 - My Contribution

For this assignment I have been working on:
"Converting an existing mkdir callback test to use promises"
The function that I have been converting is:

it('should return an error if the path already exists', function(done) {
var fs = util.fs();

fs.mkdir('/', function(error) {

This function was easy to convert because I already had the promises template from previous "bug" and just needed to fix little things such as mkdir parameter and code error, the code is bellow:

it('should return an error if the path already exists (using promises)', () => {
var fsPromises = util.fs().promises;
return fsPromises.mkdir('/').catch(error => {

In this assignment I have learned how the git works, the hardest part was to understand the logic of git: pull requests, different branches, etc. As well I researched how node and filer work to fix the issue.

Issue :
Pull Request:

Pull Request That I Reviewed

I just made a clarification: 
If test for "r" was working, then for "r+" it should working also, because "r+" comparing to "r" has no limitations

Evidence of Community Involvement

I have been reading lots of pull request and the researched them, and this helped me to gain basic understanding of Filer.


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